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Tutorial for home automation

by Ivo Zijlstra

This website was created as part of my personal project about home automation. I researched about the smart hub and end devices, and their costs, benefits and disadvantages. For this project, I scheduled my daily routines and had a survey to find out what people want from a home automation system and how much they would like to invest in it.

The outcome was that my project included waking up with the alarm and lights, preparing my toast for breakfast, controlling the lights. Locking the house while I am away, and opening it when I return. 

To do this I chose Openhab as my smart hub, TP smart plugs to control devices, KNX actors and input to control lighting, locks and sensors, and Phillips Hue lamp to control lighting in places which where difficult to reach using wires. For the acces control I used magnetic locks and electric locks with a finger and RFID scan. This is controlled by the KNX installation, KNX itself recognising it as a switch.

This website's purpose is to be a programming tutorial on how to program OpenHAB in a way that makes your house do things for you.


Getting started with openhab

The hub is the central point in our home automation project. It will connect all devices. Here we can also program rules to make our home even smarter. Find out how to get started with openhab on a raspberry PI 3+



End devices

End devices are our input en output devices for our smart home. Input devices are sensors, the register temperature, movement, etc. Output devices are the devices you want to control like lighting, smart plugs etc. Find out more on which devices I used in my smart home and how to implement them into our hub.

Tech & Needs

For this project, you will need some objects (to make your house automated). This is shown, with pictures under the pictures tab. 



Final Product Video

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